FMC agaroses
- Low Melting
- Temperature
- Performance Certified
- Genetic Technology Grade™
Choose the Agarose that is Right for You.
Selecting the best agarose for your experiment can be challenging.
There are so many choices – standard or low melting temperature agarose, standard, or Genetic Technology Grade® Agarose, sieving capabilities, etc. Selection of the best agarose for your application can reduce your cost and
optimize your results.
Agarose Selection Guide

SeaKem® SeaPlaque® NuSieve® MetaPhor® SeaPlaque®
Application GTG Agarose
- In-Gel Reactions ■ ■
- ß-Agarase ■ ■ ■
- Phenol/Chloroform ■ ■ ■
- Recovery Columns ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
- Electroelution ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
- Freeze/Squeeze ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Agarose and Compatible Recovery Techniques
Low Melting Temperature SeaKem® LE NuSieve® 3:1
- Southern <1 kb ■
- Southern >1 kb ■
- Northern <1 kb ■
- Northern >1 kb ■
Agarose Blotting Selection Guide
Our agaroses are guaranteed DNase/RNase Free.